Product properties
NorFalco markets a non-fuming form of sulfuric acid that is clear, odorless, slightly oily, and with a specific gravity almost double that of water.
Sulfuric acid has a strong affinity for water and will react violently and generate heat when coming into contact with water. It may also react violently with various strengths of acids, alkalis or organic materials with the resulting evolution of heat.
Hydrogen gas will form as a result of the corrosion of most metals, and must be a consideration when designing or working on any handling system to avoid the possibility of an explosive mixture being formed.
Sulfuric acid mist is a human carcinogen and good ventilation must be provided to keep mist concentrations below the exposure limits (0.2 mg/m3). Avoid breathing sulfuric acid mist and wear approved respiratory protection if adequate ventilation cannot be provided.
Handlers of sulfuric acid should be aware of the following reactions that occur when acid is in contact with various substances:
- Very small quantities of organic materials will decompose into carbon in the presence of sulfuric acid and may cause discoloration.
- Sulfuric acid attacks most common metals. However, for applications at ambient temperatures, carbon steel is generally satisfactory for storage tanks, tank cars, lines and other equipment in contact with acid at strengths at or above 93%. Higher temperatures and agitation will increase corrosion.
- Stainless steel and several non-metallic coatings are becoming more widely used, especially where severe conditions are encountered or product integrity is critical.
- Hydrogen gas is generated when sulfuric acid, particularly at low strengths, is in contact with carbon steel and most metals. Precautions must be taken to avoid explosions.
Graphs, Tables and Data
For additional information, please contact your NorFalco representative.